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Rogue Valley A members often have specific Model A cars or parts for sale or are looking for parts for their own cars. If the seller name is blue and underlined, you may click on the name to send email for more information.

I need the bottom half of a Zenith-1 carburetor in good condition. I already have the internal parts so I just need a good casting with the "Zenith-1" on it.
Rick Black, 541-499-1356
posted 01/03/25
FOR SALE: 1930 Coupe
Asking $25,000, totally rebuilt engine that Joe Davis said was excellent when he checked it and also
you are aware of all new tires recently and all the mechanical and interior work Joe did to restore it
further. I have all the paper work from Joe. No hurry to sell, but not too interested in coming down
much further.
Contact: Jim James
FOR SALE: Rebuilt Model B Engine. Details on my website.
Contact: Joe Davis 650-279-6609
FOR SALE: Brand new rear rubber floor mat for 1930-31 Tudor Sedan. Retail price is $107, will sell for $80. Still in the original box. Has the correct pattern too.
Contact: Joe Davis 650-279-6609
PARTS: Zenith Carburetors $195 Exchange, Rebuilt Leakless Water Pumps $110 Exchange,
Rebuilt Distributors $175 Exchange, includes distributor cap and rotor.
Contact: Jerry Mathern 541-941-1424

Last Updated 1/3/25