Service Providers
Service Type Company Address Phone
Glass Farrell's Betterview Glass Svc 229 S Front St Medford, OR 97501 (541) 773-1058
Electrical Warehouse Rebuilders 961 SE Gladiola Dr, Grants Pass OR (541) 476-1593
Generator Alternative Power & Machine 4040 Highland Grants Pass (541) 476-8916
Gas Tank Cleaning Community Radiator 112 SW M Street, Grants Pass (541) 476-6463
Radiator Shop Action Radiator 1209 S Pacific Hwy Talent, OR 97540 (541) 535-6664
Engine Rebuilding Dave Russell 304 Talent Avenue, Talent (541) 941-0813
Mechanical Work Joe Davis 16 W. Jackson, Medford (650) 279-6609
Model A Ford Club of America - MAFCA
Model A Ford Foundation - MAFFI
Model A Basics
Where to Find Non-Ethanol Gasoline for your Vintage Car
MAFCA West Coast Chapters
Beaver Chapter..............................Portland OR
High Desert A's.............................Bend OR
Henry's Lady Chapter....................Grants Pass OR
Sis-Q A's........................................Yreka CA
Willamette Valley Model A Club...Salem OR
In this DOWNLOADS folder, we store documents, handouts, and tips and tricks. If you have a handy tip you'd like to share with our members, please send to the webmaster.
Model A Vendors - a list of parts and service providers for the Model A Ford
First Books - For the new Model A owner, a list of books you should purchase first
Chapter Membership Renewal - Application to renew Rogue Valley A's membership
Buy a MAFFI Brick - Application to purchase a brick for the MAFFI museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan
Tri-Fold Brochure Handout - Print a few of these out and be ready to hand them out to potential new members