The Rogue Valley A's chapter of the Model A Ford Club of America is based in Medford Oregon. We received our charter from MAFCA in February 2002.
Most members of our chapter own a 1928-1931 Model A Ford, but that's not a requirement to become a member and enjoy our chapter. We currently have about 45 member/families.
We meet the third Saturday of each month at the Royal Manor Mobile Home park in Jacksonville. All are welcome. We welcome new people who have an interest in the 1928-1931 Model A Ford vehicles to check us out and see what fun we're having.
Please also visit our Facebook page: Rogue Valley Model A's.
Model A of the Week

What's New?
02/02/25 The February Newsletter is on the MEMBERS ONLY page.​
If you've forgotten the password, contact another member. Thank you!
The workshop at Dan Ackerman's 1929 has been POSTPONED until a later date.

Registration is open for next year’s National Tour to Civil War battlefields of Virginia, hosted by MAFCA’s Dallas Chapter. The dates for this event are June 15 to 22, 2025. Registration forms can be found on the MAFCA website or the Dallas Model A Club’s website. Accommodations are self-serve, so please book your rooms soon.
Our 2026 National Convention will be hosted by the Blue Mountain As of Pendleton, Oregon, assisted by several neighboring chapters. This is already gearing up to be a memorable event. The convention date has been set for May 31 through June 7, 2026. Please mark your calendars!
For a video preview of the convention, click here.